
Postdoctoral Fellowship 2016-2017 - Dorothy Borg Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Making of the Modern Pacific World

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Fellowship in the Making of the Modern Pacific World

2016-2017 Dorothy Borg Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Making of the Modern Pacific World
The Weatherhead East Asian Institute invites applications for its 2016-2017 Postdoctoral Fellowship through the Borg research program on “The Making of the Modern Pacific World.” The Institute is searching for a Postdoctoral Fellow who works within the field of the modern Pacific World, whose research involves primary sources from East Asian and American archives or holdings. The Fellow will devote part of his/her time to teaching one course each semester on a subject within his/her area of expertise dealing with Pacific studies, and the remainder to his/her own research. The Fellow will also help coordinate annual workshops to be held in the academic year of 2016-2017, and will participate in the INTERACT teaching collaborative aimed at improving global literacy, specifically with regard to Modern Pacific Studies among Columbia students.
Candidates from all social science disciplines, including history, are welcome to apply. The fellowship will cover one 10-month periods beginning August 1, 2016, and comes with an annual stipend of $43,000 plus $5,000 for each taught course (Total compensation is $53,000).
About The Borg Research Program on “The Making of the Modern Pacific World”
“The Making of the Modern Pacific World” explores the idea and reality of a Pacific community past and present, in terms of intellectual and cultural exchange, immigration, environment, economic integration, business networks, war and militarism, and diplomacy. In conjunction with this three-year program, a proposed Pacific World Studies Program will build on Columbia’s considerable strengths in U.S., Latin American, East, Southeast and South Asian studies, as well as current and potential partnerships with institutions on the other side of the Pacific – including ANU, Ritsumeikan University, and others – to develop and deepen knowledge of societies, cultures, economies, and environments of the Pacific macro-region. The program seeks both to understand and to contribute to the development of a trans-Pacific community, including an international community of scholars from various cultures and intellectual traditions. The program is named in honor of Dorothy Borg, an historian of United States-East Asia relations whose influence on political scientists like Andrew Nathan, Robert Jervis, and many others helped to bridge the work of history and contemporary analysis.
• Applicants must have completed all Ph.D. degree requirements (completed and filed the dissertation) between May 2014 and July 2016.
• Applicants must have completed their Ph.D. in a social science discipline, including history, with a focus on the modern Pacific World.
• Applications from individuals who hold or have held teaching appointments will not be considered.
Application Procedure
The following list of materials is required for all applicants:
• Borg Modern Pacific World Application 2016-2017
• Updated Curriculum vitae, including a list of classes taught (if any)
• Course evaluations for classes taught (if any)
• A statement not exceeding 300 words that conveys your personal outlook on trans-regional and global approaches and their role in the undergraduate curriculum
• One undergraduate course proposal to be offered at Columbia University
• 3 letters of reference (signed and sealed) that include an evaluation of your research, proposed courses and prior teaching experience
All application materials (including letters of reference) must be received by the Institute on or before February 25, 2016. Faxed or emailed applications will not be accepted. Candidates may be invited for a phone interview or an interview in person. All evaluations made in connection with applications received are confidential.
Awards will be announced no later than April 29, 2016.
Return completed applications to:
The Making of the Modern Pacific World: A Borg Postdoctoral Fellowship
ATTN: Jamie Tan
Weatherhead East Asian Institute
Columbia University
420 West 118th Street, Room 934
New York, NY 10027
For more information about the Dorothy Borg Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Modern Pacific World, please contact Jamie Tan, Student Affairs Coordinator, at weaipostdocs@gmail.com.

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